How to prepare your child for an eye exam

Taking your child for an eye exam can be crucial in ensuring their visual health. However, it’s natural for children to feel anxious or uncertain about the process. To make the experience smoother and more comfortable, proper preparation is essential.

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Be proactive to slow the progression of glaucoma

For the approximately 3 million Americans who suffer from glaucoma, finding a cure would be miraculous. Unfortunately, there is no cure for glaucoma, but there are ways to find relief from this debilitating disease and work to stop the progression of vision loss. Treatment from an optometrist and proactive lifestyle modifications can be the solution.

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At what age does a child have 20/20 vision?

Do all children have perfect vision? If so, when do their eyes reach full maturity? These are some of the questions we hear from parents before their child’s first pediatric optometrist appointment. Read on to learn about 20/20 vision and optical development in children. 

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Can you cry after LASIK?

LASIK procedures have become increasingly common for adults with vision loss. LASIK changes the structure of the eye itself to improve vision and eliminate the need for corrective lenses. What happens after LASIK, though? Can you cry, drive, or wear eye makeup? Check out these dos and don’ts to optimize your LASIK eye surgery results. 

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