What to expect at your child’s first eye exam

Not sure what to expect from a child’s eye exam or when to schedule your child’s first eye appointment? We’re here to help! Let’s review the basic steps your child may go through so you can prepare as a family.

Common steps in a child’s eye exam

Depending on the child’s age, an exam is performed much the same as it is with adults. Your eye doctor will use age-appropriate directions to gauge ocular health. Your child may be too young to read an eye chart, but we have other tools to assess their strength of vision. 

How to prepare your child for the appointment

In the days leading up to the appointment, speak positively about seeing the eye doctor. Never use the eye doctor, dentist, or primary care doctor as a threat for bad behavior. This creates a negative association with healthcare providers. 

If you wear corrective lenses, you may let your child explore those. Plan to leave a little early to complete the initial paperwork and settle any nerves your child may have in the car. The friendly staff here at Oklahoma City Vision will make the experience as fun and comfortable as possible for both you and your child. 

When should I schedule my child’s first eye appointment?

If your child has no signs of vision trouble, you can schedule their first eye exam between 6 and 12 months of age. If you notice issues before that, schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. 

Starting early helps children get familiar with the eye doctor. Some of the tools used in the exam process can seem intimidating, so it’s best to expose them young. This will help your child feel more comfortable in future exams.

Assuming your child does not have vision issues, you can schedule another exam during the toddler years. Your child’s school may have scheduled exams for kindergarten or first grade, but ideally, your child should see an eye doctor before then. 

If you’d like a tour of our child eye care center, contact Oklahoma City Vision to schedule an appointment. We will gladly answer all your questions, including insurance acceptance, office hours, and more.