How to prepare your child for an eye exam

Taking your child for an eye exam can be crucial in ensuring their visual health. However, it’s natural for children to feel anxious or uncertain about the process. To make the experience smoother and more comfortable, proper preparation is essential.

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At what age does a child have 20/20 vision?

Do all children have perfect vision? If so, when do their eyes reach full maturity? These are some of the questions we hear from parents before their child’s first pediatric optometrist appointment. Read on to learn about 20/20 vision and optical development in children. 

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What does a pediatric optometrist do?

Children need eye care just as much as adults do. In fact, approximately one in four children use some form of corrective lenses to help their vision. If you’re preparing for a child’s eye exam, this guide will help you understand what pediatric optometrists do.

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Why eye exams for children are important

As a parent, your child’s health is likely very important to you. Many parents don’t know when to start taking their child to the eye doctor or how often. From the time your child is born, it’s important to have their eyes checked by an optometrist regularly.

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What age should a child have an eye test?

Just like teens and adults, children must also focus on eye health. Unfortunately, many parents don’t know what age their child should start visiting the eye doctor. There are varying opinions between professionals, but we at Oklahoma City Vision recommend most children start to visit the dentist and receive their first eye test by the age of one.

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