How do I know if my child needs glasses?

Adults know if their vision is blurry, but children can’t always tell something’s wrong. Vision problems affect your child in school and at home, so it’s important to address them early on. How can you know if your child needs glasses? Here are some signs to watch out for. 

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When should I see an ophthalmologist?

Everyone over the age of five should have their eye health and vision checked regardless if you feel that you require corrective lenses or not. Many major diseases of the eye do not start to affect vision until later in the disease process. Early diagnosis is critical so that treatment can start, and you can obtain more favorable results.

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What are the different types of eye doctors?

When you’re trying to get a pair of eyeglasses or contacts, it can be confusing which eye doctor to go to. There are optometrists and ophthalmologists, both of which are physicians. But what is the difference between the two? Optometrists Optometrists are designated with the suffix O.D. They have to have an undergraduate degree before…

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How long does it take for diabetes to damage eyes?

Diabetes has a little bit of a scary reputation when it comes to eyes. You may have heard the stories going around about blindness. If you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, that can be worrisome, but you don’t need to worry as much as you might think. It takes a while for your…

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When should a cataract be removed?

Cataracts often go hand in hand with getting older. As we age, the lens of our eyes tends to get opaque, cloudy and thick. The cataracts that come from that are like a film that keeps the light from getting into the eye so we can see. But thanks to modern medicine, cataracts can now…

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What can I expect at a pediatric eye exam?

Taking an eye exam yourself is usually no big deal. You can give feedback and you know what you’re getting into. There are no needles or uncomfortable devices involved. For a child, though, it can be different. It can be more challenging to do a pediatric eye exam than an adult eye exam. Children aren’t…

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What happens during LASIK?

Laser eye surgery has gone from a fairly uncommon procedure to a common one since it was created. If you’re tired of contacts or glasses, you might be interested in undergoing LASIK. But you probably have questions. How does it work? Will it hurt? What are the risks? Here’s what you need to know about…

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