What questions should I ask my eye doctor?

Whether you’re going to your first eye appointment in years or you see the eye doctor every year, there are important questions to ask during your exam. Your ophthalmologist should provide this basic information anyway, but it’s nice to be equipped with questions. Here are some tips to keep you informed about your optical health. 

Important questions to ask your eye doctor

Most eye appointment questions center around the progress of your optical health. How are your eyes now compared to where they were before? Sample questions include:

  • Are my eyes healthy?
  • Has my vision improved or gotten worse since my last appointment?
  • Do I need corrective lenses?
  • Would glasses or contact be better for me?
  • Are there any steps I could take to keep my eyesight from worsening?

If you’re interested in other information, ask about it! Your ophthalmologist is there to keep you educated about your eyes. For example, your parent may have recently been diagnosed with cataracts. You may ask your eye doctor about your risks and what to look out for. Anything that’s important to you is important to us. 

What to expect during your eye exam

Routine eye exams involve a series of tests designed to diagnose vision concerns. Your eye doctor will also look at the structure of your eye itself to pinpoint warning signs of future issues. If you need corrective lenses, you’ll go through several lens strengths to find the right prescription for each eye. 

At the end of your appointment, you can choose to get new glasses or order contacts, if you’d like. You could also get a quote for corrective lenses and complete the order at a later time. If you do not need corrective lenses, you’re good to go at the end of the appointment! 

How often should I see the eye doctor?

The frequency of eye exams varies by age and condition. As a general rule, it’s best to see the eye doctor every 3-5 years. Adults over the age of 50 or those with diagnosed vision problems may need to see the doctor every 1-3 years. Those without vision problems could endure a longer stretch.

If you notice changes in your vision, schedule an eye exam to get them checked out. Oklahoma City Vision can help!